Wednesday, November 20, 2013

5 Tips to a Perfect Thanksgiving Turkey!

1. The safest method is to thaw turkey in the refrigerator at 41 degrees F. Be sure to plan ahead — it takes approximately 4-5 days for a 20 pound turkey to fully defrost.

2. For crisper skin, unwrap the turkey the day before roasting and leave it uncovered in the refrigerator overnight.

3. Cooking times will differ depending on whether your bird was purchased fresh or frozen. Plan on 20 minutes per pound in a 350 degree F oven for a defrosted turkey and 10 to 15 minutes per pound for fresh.

4. A turkey will cook more evenly if it is not densely stuffed. Go easy on packing it in.

5. DO NOT OPEN YOUR OVEN after you have put the turkey in! When the oven temperature fluctuates, you increase the chances of drying it out.

Good luck and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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